What would a world look like where all kids grew up believing "I can"?
I am super excited that my dear friend, mentor and awesome human, Kiran Bir Sethi is finally bringing her book “Every Child CAN” to the world.
Kiran's amazing 2010 TED talk inspired me to sign up as a country ambassador and launch Design For Change (DFC) Laos whilst volunteering at Sunshine School Vientiane in 2012.
I excitedly pitched the idea to School Director Didi Gaorii, and she fully supported us in piloting Design for Change at her school.
I recall FREAKING OUT right before we started our first project at Sunshine School. Self-doubt was kicking in big time as the mere thought of launching a national project was crazy to me (the first time I'd attempted anything like it).
It was on a Zoom (or was it Skype?) call with Kiran where she smiled her radiant smile and calmly said:
"You're focused on the big picture, and it's stressing you out. Just focus on getting one project done with Sunshine School and sharing one story. That one story will then inspire others."
So we did, and it did.
I recorded the video using my tiny Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TX30 Digital Camera and edited using iMovie.
Over the next 18 months, I assembled a small team of volunteers (educators from local schools) who worked with 9 schools, directors, teachers and over 200 students to design and implement community improvement projects in their local towns and areas.
We even had a local film maker volunteer to create a short documentary about the project, and national music star Aluna came on board as an ambassador for DFC Laos. Aluna wrote and produced a Lao-language song, recorded a music video, and played free concerts in support of the project.
Here’s the 12-min doco:
'When adults believe in children and say, "You can," then they will.' - Kiran Bir Sethi.
Design for Change and the “I Can” philosophy have changed my life. As it has countless others.
So whether you identify as a parent, caretaker, educator, or change-maker:
Pre-order your book copy today, and gift a copy to a friend or colleague. Trust me, this is one book that you'll want to read and share.

1/ Read: Why building more won't make houses affordable
From Sydney to San Francisco, the housing affordability crisis is affecting communities worldwide. Professor Nicole Gurran from the School of Architecture, Design and Planning says governments worldwide are searching for how to fix housing affordability.
Still, the solutions will have to be local and community-based.
2/ Watch: Digital Nomad Visas are changing the global economy
3/ Read: Secret gigs and intimate concerts (Sofar project)
My friend Samara recently told me about an amazing global project called Sofar that she got involved with in her local town in NZ.
Here’s how the official website describes a Sofar experience:
Sofar transforms everyday spaces - like a rooftop or art gallery - and turns them into captivating, intimate venues for secret, live music performances, creating an immersive experience that brings guests and artists closer together. Each Sofar is small, and typically features three diverse acts, with no headliner.
Did you know that international chart-topping and Grammy award-winning Billie Eilish performed a Sofar gig long before she rose to fame?
Head to the website to pick a concert in your hometown or while travelling.
A fascinating look into why the pending crash is different to the 2007-2008 Global Financial Crisis.

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"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." — Henry van Dyke
Anfernee Chansamooth
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